JOB VACANCYZoukieTrucking Services Ltd/DM Equipment Co. Ltd. is seeking qualified persons for the following positions:SENIOR AUTO ELECTRICAL TECHNICIANRequirements:*Heart Trust Level 3 or equivalent from any other recognized institution* Must be able to read electricaldiagram/circuit*Must be able to diagnose technical electrical issues* Must have minimum 5 years experience in related fieldJUNIOR AUTO ELECTRICIANRequirements:*Heart Trust Level 1 or equivalent from any other recognized institution* Must be able to conduct minor Electrical repairs.SENIOR AUTO MECHANICRequirements:*Heart Trust Level 3 or equivalent from any other recognized institution with minimum 5 years*Experience in related field or 10 years work experience in related field (subject to an assessment)*Must have knowledge of diesel engine, hydraulics, gearbox and diff.Submit applications to: [email protected], [email protected] or call 876-878-1077/ 876-301-9479.