Office Clerk, Secretary, Cook and Other Jobs Available

  • April 16th, 2024 0:00
Technological Solutions Employment Agency has vacancies in various positions island wide. We charge a registration fee of only $2000. It is valued for one year. Five Thousand dollars will be deducted from your first salary when we find a job for you. Make payment to our bank account island wide and then email us your resume and we will email your resume to potential employers island wide when suitable vacancies arise. The employers will then interview and hire as they see fit. Some vacancies available right now are: Warehouse Clerk in Montego Bay, Gas Station Manager in St. Thomas, Janitor in St. Andrew, Pharmacist in Kingston, Auto Paint Refinisher in Kingston, Office Manager in Hanover, Secretary in Kingston, Chef or Cook in Kingston, Accounting Clerk in St. Ann, Engineer in Westmoreland, Junior Attorney in Kingston, Household Helper in St. Elizabeth, Office Clerk in St. Catherine and part-time reading and PEP private tutors island wide. Lodge $2000 to any branch island wide of Jamaica National Bank, account number 0011114402, Half Way Tree branch, account holder’s name Richard Sharpe, Savings Account. After payment is made, whatsapp the photograph of your receipt to 402-2030 or email it to [email protected]. Call 857-7137 for more information. Make payment and email your resume to us before the jobs are no longer available. We will keep your resume and keep sending it to potential employers with suitable vacancies that fit your qualification and experience for the one year that your registration with us is valid. Email your resume after payment of the $2000 registration fee to [email protected]. Make payment and send your resume NOW.